We strive to deliver products purchased from excellent condition and in the fastest time possible. Delivery charges as applicable may be charged for your orders.
With every order, you will receive an email containing the details of the order placed by you. Once we ship the item(s), you will receive another email containing the shipping details. Kindly note that the AWB (delivery tracking codes) might take time from the courier end to get updated although the package could have been picked up by the courier.
We process all deliveries through reputed couriers.
We ship within 2 working days for deliveries in India. The estimated time of delivery may vary from 2-7 working days to all the areas serviced by reputed couriers.
Shipping: Shipping costs and delivery estimates will be displayed at the time of checkout. Delivery times may vary depending on location and shipping method.
Returns and Exchanges: Our returns and exchange policy applies to all purchases. Please refer to our Returns Policy for detailed information.
Cancellations: Orders can be canceled within a limited time frame after purchase. Please refer to our Cancellation Policy for more information.